Sunday, June 1, 2014

The June Issue of Is Available FREE

The June Issue of Is Available FREE is designed to help Massage Therapists and other Natural Healers develop a busy, effective and financially successful practice. It’s Free to read and Free to Subscribe. In every issue you’ll find…
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  • Everything You Really Need to Make Your Practice A Success!
  • Includes indispensable “secret” information for practice success everyone else is afraid to discuss.
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What Obama Care Does To Seniors

What Obama Care Does To Seniors
How This Affects Your Practice
Stephen Newdell, MT, DC, NSCTh

Below this paragraph, a man’s story begins. He wrote it to a blogger (I corrected the grammar) and it has been passed around via email and in Face Book. It supports my contention that what I teach, if handled properly can make a very good living for you. The new Obama Care regulations will push patients into your office!

Our president's favorite accomplishment and what it will mean to us seniors.........
 My brother was just told that a back procedure that he has had covered in the past by Medicare is no longer covered because of his age (82). Via a doctor and hospital in Wilmington, DE. Just happened a week ago. Said it would cost him $25,000.
Here is an experience a senior Medicare patient had.

From: a senior gentleman in Mesa, Arizona:
Dear  Family, Friends, Neighbors and former Classmates,
I just found myself in the middle of a medical situation that made it very clear that "the affordable care act" is neither affordable, nor do they care.
I'll go back about seven years ago to a fairly radical prostate surgery that I     underwent. The Urologist (a personal friend) who performed the surgery was     very concerned that it was cancer, though I wasn't told this until the lab report revealed it was benign.  Since that procedure, I have experienced numerous urinary tract infections, (UTI's). Since I had never had a "UTI" prior to the prostate surgery, I assume that it is one of the side effects from surgery, an assumption since confirmed by my Family Doctor.
The weekend of March 8-9, I was experiencing all the symptoms of another bout of UTI. By Monday afternoon the infection had hit with full force. Knowing that     all I needed was an antibiotic, I went to an Urgent Care Center in Mesa, Arizona to provide a specimen, a requirement for getting the prescription.
After waiting 45 minutes to see the Doctor, I started getting very nauseous and     light headed.  I went to the Receptionist to ask where the bathroom was as I felt that I was going to throw up. I was told that I would have to wait for the Doctor     because I would need to leave a specimen and they didn't want me in the     bathroom without first seeing him.
That was when the lights went out. More at: Archive
